Abu Ali ibn Sina (Avicenna) Monument

The memorial monument of Abu Ali ibn Sina (Avicenna) was installed in the center of Dushanbe in 1984 and is devoted to 1000 anniversary of the great thinker and scholar of the East of the X century.

Abu Ali ibn Sina is an outstanding Persian physician, scientist, philosopher and poet. He was born in the Afshan village, near Bukhara. He lived in Central Asia, Iran and studied in Bukhara, mathematics, astronomy, philosophy and medicine, he served as a doctor and a vizier for various rulers. The most important scientific work of Ibn Sina is The Canon of Medicine - medical Encyclopedia in 5 parts, which gained world fame and many times was translated into many European languages. The architects of the monument are R. Karimov, A. Aharon, the sculptor is G. Eldar.