Freedom Square "Ozodi"

The main attraction of the Dushanbe city and the symbol of rebirth and renovation of Tajikistan is the central square of the republic, Ozodi (Freedom) Square.
For all time of its existence, the main square of Dushanbe was renamed three times and has changed three symbols. In the period of the Soviet Union it was called Lenin Square, and at the very center of the square was located the statue of Lenin. Then in the early 90`s the monument was removed and in its place the monument of Ferdowsi was erected, the square was called Freedom Square. But in the mid-90`s it was rename Somoni. The present day there is the monument of Ismail Samani in its compositional center, who was the founder of Tajik state and emperor of Samani dynasty, who ruled a vast territory from the Caspian Sea to the borders of modern China in the IX-X centuries.