Ayni Academic Opera and Ballet Theater

Opera and Ballet Theater - is the center of cultural life of the capital and the country`s leading musical theater. It was founded in 1940, when a dance group mainly performing folk dances in operas and drama plays was formed in Dushanbe. In 1941, at the theater was staged the first Tajik ballet, entitled "Du gul" (Two Roses). In 1940-1950 the troupe has continued to grow and gradually mastered the art of classical dance. Since 1954, a new generation of Tajik artists who received vocal and choreographic education in the best Moscow and Leningrad schools bought to the theatre the best ballet and vocal traditions, high culture of classical dance. Ballet troupe put on Soviet and world classics, and opera troupe performs works of Russian and Western classic operas, which are performed in Russian. Since that time, began an intensive work on the creation of new plays of various genres.
Dushanbe - Sights of Interest
- Ayni Academic Opera and Ballet Theater
- Shah Mansur Bazaar
- Ferdowsi National Library
- Hissar Fortress
- Makhdumi Azam Mausoleum
- Sangin Mosque
- Bekhzod Museum of Regional History and Fine Art
- Tajik Museum of Ethnography
- Abu Ali ibn Sina (Avicenna) Monument
- Sadradin Aini Monument
- Rudaki Monument
- Ozodlik (Freedom) Square
- Rohat Chaikhana